Learning Django (2 of more)

Learning Django (2 of more)

I’ve decided to try something new for this post: separating the text from the ASCII art so I can format the fonts better. Let’s see how it goes!

Today, I started part two of the Django tutorial (link here). Finally, we’re diving into models, which I think I have some familiarity with.

Before the tutorial, I watched some YouTube videos to in order to learn Django. While I didn’t understand much from it, models was something I have some familiarity with. I took a relational database class a while back, so concepts like primary keys, foreign keys, and table relationships are slowly starting to click for me.

What’s new for me, though, is testing the database directly in the Python shell using python manage.py shell. Creating, reading, updating, and deleting data (CRUD—it’s such a beautiful term) felt so much clearer when I could see the actions play out in real-time.

Another thing I especially enjoyed was creating the was_published_recently(self) function in the tutorial. Writing that function made me feel like I was back in my Python comfort zone.