Reading Test Driven Development with Python by Harry Percival (Part 2)
I may be changing the title for this series, it's very long :P
So back in my last series Learning Django (You can find it here: I tried to separate the text from my pictures in part 2 instead of having them all together in one jpg. I’m not sure I like it but I figure we are at part 2 again so let’s give it another try.
If anyone is kind enough to comment and let me know if you like this format better that will be sooo great.
So Chapter 2 we being with…. comments! Wow, what a surprise, I did not see this coming at all. In my day job (finance manger), I love comments. I love leaving notes so future me can understand what the heck I was doing. So to my pleasant surprise, this chapter uses comments to plan out your tests??? Whatttt????
The example paints a picture of Edith (I put my wife’s name in my example instead) putting down some tasks on a todo list app for her fly fishing hobby (junk journaling for my wife. Always thought junk journal is a funny name).
This opens so many possibilities for me regarding to planning codes! Envisioning the user going through the process of using the app, then planning the tests around it, then writing the codes??? That is so cool! Planning out my codes are usually my biggest road block: what do I do, where do I start, this solves so many problems for me!
And again, the chapter ends with a git commit, making sure that I save my work. This book is so cool I don’t know why it wasn’t recommended to me sooner. I am so excited for tomorrow after work, and after school work, to work on the next chapter. So excited.